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Protestbriefe gegen die Erklärungen des Vizepräsidents des Europäischen Parlaments

Nachdem der derzeitige Vizepräsidenten des Europäischen Parlaments, der Spanier Alejo Vidal-Quadras dem spanischen Ministerpräsidenten die Anwendung von Gewalt gegen eine mögliche Unabhängigkeitserklärung Kataloniens empfohlen hatte, haben mehr als 40.000 Katalanen diesen Brief dem Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments geschickt:

Dear sir, 

As a Catalan and European, I want to express the great concern caused by the statements made today (28th September 2012) by Mr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, member of the European Parliament.  He is against the Catalans’ right to decide their national future, asking for  a Spanish army-led action  against Catalonia, its citizens and its democratic institutions if we decide democratically to secede from Spain. 

As you can understand, Mr Alejo Vidal-Quadras’ statements are clearly from a non-democratic minded person, and they dangerously remind me of the fascist military regime of Franco’s dictatorship. Furthermore, that speech puts the European Parliament democratic prestige in a total disrepute. 

I hope you will take the proper actions to discipline Vice-President Vidal-Quadras and prevent future similar non-democratic attitudes by other European Parliament members. 

As a Catalan I expect a clear declaration of the European Parliament against the use of armed force against nations implementing  the most basic democratic and human rights: self-determination.

Yours sincerely, 



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